Kelly Burdette
Owner and Operator of
Three Blooms Flower Farm
Our story
Three Blooms Flower Farm was established in 2017 by me, Kelly Burdette. I’m married to Seth Burdette and we have two children; twins, Noah and Nora. The idea for flower farming all began with some beautiful pictures online of a flower farm in Washington called Floret. Her story felt familiar and a dream began to take shape. I purchased a book called “The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower's Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers.” by Lynn Byczynski. After reading the book cover to cover I developed a garden plan and ordered some flower seeds. My first year of flower farming we lived in a rental home as we built a new home on the family farm. With no permanent growing space, I planted some annual flowers in our patio garden and some over in my Dad’s garden on the family farm, about 800sq ft total. I quickly discovered farming, harvesting, and selling a crop is hard work! I grew up on the family farm gardening, raising animals, and showing animals for 4H but flower farming was a whole new world to me.
Year 2 was a very hard year. I lost my father on December 1, 2017. We finished building our house on the back of family farm and moved in. I re-considered if I even wanted to continue the flower farm. Eventually I decided to continue forward, to till and grow in the same earth my father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had. We planted around 1/4 acre in annual flowers. Later in the season I started another field close to our house called the Hilltop. The Hilltop is a perennial garden also around 1/4 acre in size.
Year 3 we increased the flower field to 1/2 acre and moved more towards commercial growing practices. We installed drip irrigation and used plastic mulch to control weeds. My mother was remarried and I was able to provide and design all the flowers for her wedding. I took an online flower farming course by Lisa Mason Zigler( which was wonderful and I highly recommend her courses and products. It was a great year of growth and learning for me and the farm. Follow along under the blog tab for more of our story and gardening tips and tricks. For the most current availability and news, please follow our Instagram or Facebook pages. You’ll get a glimpse of the farms daily activity and a whole lot of beautiful flowers.
*Please note Three Blooms Flower Farm is not open to public at this time. If you would like to see the farm, please contact Kelly to see if it can be arranged.
Wondering how to get some of our blooms? We typically have blooms available May through September. Now offering bouquet subscriptions, please look at our shop for more details. We also keep fresh bouquets at a local store in Cambridge called Urban Twigs, they are opened Wednesday thru Saturday. We attend several local festivals and markets, watch our website, Facebook, or Instagram feed for updates on when and where.